Make A Difference
By delivering meals to kūpuna here on O’ahu, you can help ensure they remain independent. Our volunteers are doing so much more than just delivering nutritious meals –they provide social interactions for our kūpuna who may be isolated or homebound. Our volunteers also conduct critical safety checks while dropping off meals to ensure our kūpuna are safe. Hawai’i Meals on Wheels could not serve over 1,000 kūpuna a year without the help of our gracious volunteers. Let us know your availability!
We Need Sub Drivers
Can’t commit to weekly meal deliveries? No problem! We’re building a list of “subs” who can step in when our regular volunteers are unavailable – when they call in sick or are on vacation. Consider add your name to our on-call list!
More Ways To Volunteer!
- Assist our annual drive-thru fundraisers by helping with packing meal pack, setting-up, sign-waving, and more!
Help with administrative projects at the office, such as copying and inputting information, assisting with mass mailings, or preparing items to give to clients. We mail out letters and newsletters once a quarter.
Serve on our advisory board! We can help identify other opportunities based on your availability and preferences.
Corporate Volunteer Days
Interested in a team-building activity for your company or department? Companies can participate in meal delivery volunteers too! It’s a meaningful way to bond while making a difference. We welcome you to reach out and share the best day that may work for you and your team!